Eifel Park

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Eifel Park was the first of a lifetime of trips and so happens to be the first that I can remember. Eifel Park is an animal nature park along with rides and classes for kids about the different eras that the park went through. I can remember being there and feeding the animals, taking pictures at the fun mirrors and riding down the huge slide with my sister, dad and mom. I'm sure there is much more to the park than I can remember but from what I do it was a lot of fun especially for young kids. The website has all that a visitor needs to know about the park and all that they have to offer. It is slightly expensive but not if you are going to make it an all day event. You can also save money by bringing your own snacks and food with you, even though there are places to eat at the park. If you are in the Eifel region of Germany and are traveling with kids, it is a fun day event that would allow them to be involved and hands on.

Rebecca and I feeding the deer at the park. 

Beginning of an Adventure

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Since I have lived in Europe for most of my life, I am going to be talking about it the most in this blog. I will however also talk about the trips I have taken here in the states as well. So here it goes...

First things first, you have to pick where you want to travel to. Once you have decided on the place the next obvious step is to find out how you are going to get there. If you are coming from the States the easiest way is to fly but if you are already in Europe the train system is amazing and can get you anywhere (EuroRail Passes are the best if you are traveling a lot of places). Once that is sorted you need to find where you are going to stay and what you're going to see. The best way to do this is to type the city into Google because most of the time they have tourist sites with all the information you need. If you are on a budget, there are Youth Hostels pretty much anywhere you go and they are generally pretty nice. The only thing you need to realize about youth hostels is that you could end up sharing a room with other fellow travelers that you do not know. Once you get to your destination locate the Tourist Center because they will have maps of the city, special deals for the city travel and any events going on while you are there. I find it though that most cities are small enough to walk around it and see everything you want to in a reasonable amount of time so you may not have to pay for traveling expenses once there. Bring money for souvenirs, food and attractions. Many times you can buy a city pass that gets you into almost, if not all, of the attractions...do this, it's much cheaper.